Friday 16 September 2016


Don't ask me, I am just a writer and anyway from what I understand it (killing), is still both illegal and immoral to do that.

Now for a trained assassin the wrongs and the immorals do not come into play here... but I believe money does. 

Killing anyone is crossing that line and not something I would ever contemplate. Writing about someone that does kill people while the subject matter walks a line, one tries to do so without glamorizing the act of killing.
I don't believe that having an in depth view of a man that would do this immoral action though either, as being wrong or immoral, after-all what I am trying to do is tell a story.

Jack Stryker a man with a secret, who balances his two sides, his two lives on a tightrope of suspense and reason. He is after-all is some sense a good guy as well, ridding the world of people that kill and maim for profit. Doing what the regular law enforcement agencies cannot do as they are bound by the laws they serve to protect.Yes he is also above the law but free to act without the constraints that the law provides to protect people..

He fills in the spaces between what is right and what is wrong.

What do you think?  

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